
hey look, i remembered to post the blog!!!
so, reception a few weeks ago. It's hard to describe the joy of watching my brother's groups of friends from high school and college converging on one spot at one point in time... it could be monumental, it could be the end of the world, but in the end, it was just a great party. From my end it was great to see, since the high school set brought me perspective on ages 11-14 and the college group of 15-18. These are people I only knew in passing, but have great memories of, and it is always great to add to them. Also, i couldn't drink when i knew them, now i can and do :)
but first, the weekend started with the arrival of Kyle's best friend from Australia, Toby. Arriving on the "liquid bomb" day meant not only was the trek into logan a nightmare due to the fallen concrete while we were in hawaii, but an utter disaster when at baggage claim. So after a couple passes, since neither of us knew what the other looked like and i mis-remembered the clue kyle gave me, we set off in old faithful (the crown vic) for CT.
After some great interchanges about international politics and life in the aughts, toby and I were on our way to great friendship.
Halfway to Kyle's we stop for gas, and then old faithful proves its name... it can always be counted on to fail when you need it most. but ten minutes later, frightened by the sight of another tow truck, it started right up.
after the first night at kyles we met up with mom and dad, and the rest of the attendees at this great little spot in torrington connecticut.

A classic old hotel with a linearly oriented bar and... well...
a very
shinning kinda vibe...
and, now i am having some crazy formatting problems (for example, i have no idea why things are blue and underlined and i am struggling with picture orders and such but i'll try.
The reception itslef was held at a winery (in CT? who knew?) ain't it pretty?
Hey look, i got a picture of Liza's mom smiling!! go me!!
There's something very, well, godfather about this picture... i can just imagine my dad saying something about going against the family, and kyle's expression looks like he is receiving "orders " I was there and none of that was said, but i like this picture anyway.
Kyle and Toby, great capture :)
ok, at this point everything is screwing up, so iam just going to post this as is, enjoy the pics, i'll try and fix it later